Annual Report 2020 available now
Dome Technology has published its annual report highlighting bright spots in 2020 business and the company’s upward trajectory. Some of the report’s highlights are listed below: The company completed ...
10 reasons to choose the dome
Want to review the advantages of dome storage in a hurry? Take a look at our new 10 Key Benefits brochure. This document highlights the most exciting, innovative, and compelling ...
Our portfolio of wood-pellet domes
Dome Technology has built all the operational wood-pellet domes worldwide. Here, a description of those projects and how pellet storage has evolved By Rebecca Long Pyper for Dome Technology In ...
Silo recoat adds years of life to Gavilon silos
Agricultural-product provider Gavilon hired Dome Technology to repair and recoat four existing concrete silos storing corn and soybeans in Creston, Iowa, guaranteeing 10 more years of exterior life. The silos, ...
Dome Technology building fifth dome for Enviva
Dome Technology is building a fifth dome for biomass manufacturer Enviva, this time at the Port of Pascagoula on the Gulf of Mexico in Mississippi, USA. The dome will store ...
All-weather construction ideal for new fertilizer storage
For fertilizer companies in areas where construction schedules typically depend on decent weather, there’s no need for building to be delayed if a new storage dome is selected. A dome ...
Mixing and blending no problem for DomeSilo
For new construction, a DomeSilo provides robust strength equal to the task of mixing and blending. A monolithic concrete dome makes grain storage and shipment easier by storing more and ...
Meet the dome: A timesaving, turnkey biomass facility
No doubt biomass companies are some of the savviest out there. After all, products perceived as “green” are hot and will just get hotter, and these companies had the foresight ...
New storage made simple: Five questions to ask yourself before hiring a turnkey builder
When you’re a company executive, time is of the essence, and there’s never enough of it. That’s why more companies are opting to hire a turnkey builder for new storage ...