Automation: Intelligent Solutions for Operational Ease, Part II
Today’s bulk-storage solutions are relying more and more on fully automated systems. Here are some common automated systems now engineered into domes: • Systems monitoring conveyors are especially important as poor ...
Three tips for safe coal handling
Safe and efficient coal handling translates into cost savings and a boosted bottom line for coal companies. Selecting the ideal material-handling system is essential, and Dome Technology is an industry ...
Four keys to securing the ideal dome
Providing customers with engineering and construction service together brings value to the project by delivering solution-oriented problem solving. But four additional means of analysis and engineering that work together now ...
Dome Technology’s value engineering identifies customer needs
Dome Technology does more than build a storage structure. The team helps customers grow businesses by implementing advanced ideas to store and move products within a required timeframe. Each project ...
American Crystal Sugar Co. posts video detailing dome project
Dome Technology is currently constructing a storage dome for American Crystal Sugar Company, which recently posted a video explaining how the completed dome will function. Details about storage volume, handling ...
Dome Technology pioneers round explosion vent as a custom, stronger alternative to traditional rectangular vents
Until now, rectangular explosion venting has been the norm in storing products prone to deflagration, but Dome Technology’s team has pioneered a round hybrid model that will be installed on ...
The fluidized screw—a safer airslide option
Since cement fluidizes when full of air, a fully fluidized floor has become a common means of reclaim for bulk-storage facilities. But a new hybrid system of airslides and a ...
FabricSpan provides dome airforms, custom fabrication
Since its start in 2008, fabric-structure manufacturer FabricSpan has produced 6.4 million square feet of finished product on projects worldwide. That kind of resume has established the company as an ...
Moving more coal. Faster.
China Coal opts for six domes with live-reclaim systems that can process 60,000 metric tons of coal at each dome every three days When Dome Technology CEO Bradley Bateman met ...
Automation solutions, Part II
Today’s bulk-storage solutions are relying more and more on fully automated systems. Here are some common automated systems now engineered into domes: Systems monitoring conveyors are especially important as poor ...