Three tips for a successful port project
As a leader in bulk and container stevedoring and terminal operations, Peeples Industries in Savannah, Georgia, knows what it takes to plan a successful port project. Here, project manager Brad ...
Rust prevention: Why longevity comes standard with dome fertilizer storage
Because fertilizer will corrode exposed steel in storage, figuring out creative solutions is key to cutting down on regular maintenance and replacement costs. Such was the case with for one ...
Project summary: Salt storage for road maintenance
A company that manages 157 miles of roadway in the Midwest utilizes eleven salt storage facilities, each holding the amount of salt needed for a season’s worth of winter weather on a ...
Descriptions of different models: Hemispherical dome
The DomeSilo is Dome Technology’s most popular dome-storage model, but companies shouldn’t rule out the hemispherical dome as a prime option too. When just looking at the dome storage itself, ...
Dome Technology produces company overview
Dome Technology has produced a company overview with information about our scope of expertise, including hyperlinks to relevant information on our website. It also highlights our project locations around the ...
Key benefit: Weather & natural-disaster resistance
For a new clinker storage site in Santiago, Chile, BSA Cementos needed massive storage that would stay secure, no matter how much the earth might shake. Dome Technology was contracted ...
2019 annual report available now
Dome Technology has produced its Annual Report 2019, available here. This annual report highlights projects from our diverse scope of work. It provides a sampling of last year’s projects and ...
Key benefit: Environmentally responsible bulk storage
By Cameron High, sales manager Construction always impacts the environment, but a dome from Dome Technology is more environmentally responsible than conventional structures and building methods in these ways: Use ...
Dome Technology a key player in bulk-storage networking event
Dome Technology is the founder of the Rocky Mountain Dry Bulk Summit, an invitation-only networking event for bulk-storage industry leaders. The board of directors currently includes individuals from BRUKS, Boral, ...