Titan America’s Tampa project summary available now

Dome Technology has completed its project summary for Titan America’s 67,500-metric-ton DomeSilo in Tampa, Florida, USA.

The Tampa site was new to Titan, and the company had multiple priorities with its new acquisition. First, Titan wanted to maximize storage capacity despite the port’s height restriction. In response, Dome Technology fitted the DomeSilo with a low-profile domed roof that might not look like the typical dome but delivers robust strength. This allowed the structure’s vertical walls to reach as high as possible and provide the greatest possible cement storage.

“Our challenge before the dome was a full vessel of one product maxed out our capacity,” said Tampa plant manager Eric Poitras. “The dome now allows us the benefit of discharging two vessels back-to-back with different products without maxing out our storage.”

Visit the complete project summary here. Great job, team!